Linnanmaa campus has been appointed as a significant example of modern architecture.

The campus was built in different phases between the 1970s and the 2000s and it was designed by architect firm Kari Virta (later Virta-Palaste-Leinonen Arkkitehdit Oy). In his design, Virta saw the university as a constantly growing organism of continuous change. The campus was built around a central passage with access to lecture halls, shops, restaurants, and lounge spaces. The design was based on the idea of creating a vibrant social milieu within the university.

The structural design of the campus was implemented as flexible as possible to enable the expansion of faculties and departments in the spirit of the architect’s original idea. The characteristic bright colours, concrete surfaces and large-scale super graphics are still clearly visible in the first buildings on campus.

The campus is surrounded by a growing residential area, tech village, and two lakes.


Map of property

map of Oulu Linnanmaa campus

More info

Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90570 Oulu

Contact persons

Interested? Would you like to know more?

Elina Hulkkonen

Manager, Customer Relations, Northern Finland and Eastern Finland

puh. 040 350 3885

Juha-Antti Kurttila

Project Manager

puh. 040 145 4967

Pekka Pihlajamaa

Technical Manager, Oulu

puh. 040 484 9496

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