Business premises on university campus
University campuses offer a unique operating environment for various businesses. Today, there are many information-intensive businesses operating on campuses, along with multiple services, such as day-care centres. Campus premises suit both brand-new emerging start-ups and larger, well-established companies.
We offer premises that grow with your business. Our properties are located in 12 university cities across Finland. The benefits of choosing premises from a university campus include:
- Our retail and office properties are located in university campuses in the heart of economic and cultural centres with good connections to the surrounding area.
- Premises located on modern campuses are flexible and easily scalable for different business purposes.
- A business with premises located on a university campus will benefit from the magnetic atmosphere of an international meeting point where professionals from various fields produce new knowledge together. This atmosphere sparks development, creates new business ideas, and improves competitive strength.
- SYK properties offer you a place at heart of innovation and research